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Acknowledgements: Eva María Gomez-Álvarez, research fellow at the Institute of Plant Sciences, receives the ‘SIGA Young Research Award 2024’ for the best publication in an international scientific journal on genetic improvement

The award was presented in Bologna, during the 67th annual congress of the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics, for the originality and scientific quality of the publication
Publication date: 25.09.2024
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The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA) has awarded Eva María Gomez-Álvarez, a research fellow at theInstitute of Plant Sciences of the Sant'Anna School, the SIGA Young research award 2024 in the field of Genetic Improvement, named after Luigi Monti, for the best publication in an international scientific journal in 2023, in journals with international indexed circulation and impact factor. The official awarding of the SIGA 2024 Prize, won for the publication entitled ‘The inability of barley to germinate after submergence depends on hypoxia-induced secondary dormancy’, took place in Bologna at the 67th annual congress of the Society.

The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA) awards prizes to encourage the work of young researchers on topics relevant to the Society's scientific interests identified for 2023 in the field of agricultural genetics, genetic improvement and crop plant biotechnology. The Governing Council of the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics took into account the originality and scientific quality of the publications, according to international criteria and standards, in the evaluation for the selection of the winners.

Eva María Gomez-Álvarez holds a degree in Biotechnology from thePolytechnic University of Valencia and a Master's degree in Biotechnology and Agroforestry from thePolytechnic University of Madrid. After a period of study at the Department of Plant Sciences at theUniversity of Oxford with an ERASMUS+ scholarship, she entered the PhD programme in Agrobiodiversity at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, and to date she carries out her research activities at the Institute of Plant Sciences as a research fellow.

For further information, you can consult the scientific publication at the following link.

Photo gallery: A moment of the award ceremony